Protect shrubs, such as junipers and arborvitae, from extensive snow loads by tying their stems together with twine. Carefully remove heavy snow with a broom to prevent limb breakage.
When shopping for a Christmas tree, check for green, flexible, firmly held needles and a sticky trunk base. Lift the tree then hit it against the ground. If the outside needles don’t fall off in clumps, the tree should be fresh. The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour. One of the first decorated trees appeared in 1832 in Boston adorned with gilded and colored eggshell cups, paper cones filled with nuts, crystallized fruit and candy, moss, seven dozen wax candles and “dolls and whimsies”. As a result of the pandemic, Americans are both cooking (54%) and baking (46%) more. Mincemeat pie is filled with rich and exotic spices representing the treasures the Three Wise Men brought to Christ. An ancient legend states that forest animals can speak in human language on Christmas Eve! The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924. As a means of communicating and storing ideas, knowledge, art, and culture, paper is one of the most important and consequential artifacts of human civilization. In the 10th century, men in Europe wore high heels to make it easier to ride their horses. Adding heels to their boots made it easier to stay in their stirrups.
According to weather folklore, a heavy November snow will last until April.
Keep mowing your lawn for as long as it grows. Pests such as voles and field mice will damage your lawn and plants if they have long grass to hide in. Add mulch to flower and bulb beds after the ground freezes to help prevent winter damage. If fingers and toes become chilly, wiggle them instead of rubbing them. If exposed skin (including that of your face and ears) becomes cold, cover it with a warm hand until it feels better. "Jingle Bells" was an 1857 song titled "One Horse Open Sleigh," and its composer, James Pierpont, intended it to be a Thanksgiving Day song. What is a snood? The loose skin under a male turkey's neck or a hat worn by a Pilgrim. Hand sanitizer is to prevent the spread of germs, but it’s also useful for heating up frozen car locks. The alcohol in the gel acts as a natural de-icer. Stash a pair of socks in the glove compartment in case your car gets stuck. Put the socks over your shoes for added traction if you need to push it out. Elwood Haynes, from Kokomo, Indiana created the first successful vehicle powered by gasoline in 1894. According to the Journal of Affective Disorder, babies born during winter months are less likely to have irritable temperaments. |
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