Order spring-flowering bulbs for fall planting.
Don’t fertilize woody plants now. It stimulates late growth that will not have time to harden off before winter. Vitamin C works like super-glue in keeping cells together. Vitamin C also helps to produce collagen. When you are wounded, collagen glues the separated tissue together. Cells are held together by collagen. Collagen is also the basis on which bone is formed. August 17 is when the Cat Nights begin, harking back to a rather obscure Irish legend concerning witches; this bit of folklore also led to the idea that a cat has nine lives. Each pumpkin contains about 500 seeds. Pumpkins along with cucumbers, tomatoes and avocados, come from the flowers of their plants making them all fruits. Be aware of heavy sweating, hot and dry skin, rapid pulse, pale or clammy skin, and cramps in your leg or abdomen muscles. All could be signs of heat disorder. Lay down a barrier of baking soda under sink-pipe openings and along basement windows to keep carpenter ants, silverfish, and roaches from invading. Roaches eat the baking soda, dehydrate and die. Eating lettuce with your dinner is supposed to be calming, helping you to sleep and have pleasant dreams. In 1901 Food writer Julia Davis suggested pairing peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich. Take cuttings from plants such as impatiens, coleus, geraniums and wax begonias to winter over indoors. These are called herbaceous cuttings. Root the cuttings in media such as vermiculite, perlite, peat moss or planting soil instead of water. Keep them moist.
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