Sitting on top of a heather-covered hill overlooking a distance stage below, I was in awe of this magnificent place called Rebild National Park. Thousands of people had gathered in nature’s most beautiful amphitheater to sing patriotic songs, listen to distinguished guest speakers, share common goals and dreams, and remember the importance of July 4th.
This hilly, heathland, located in the small town of Rebild, Denmark on the Jutland peninsula, had been used for cattle grazing until 1912 when a group of Danish Americans bought the 200 acres. They wanted a place to celebrate the American Independence Day with their families and other American expatriates. After donating the land to Denmark, Rebild became the country’s first national park and home to the largest July 4th observance held outside of the United States. Each July 4th Danes and Americans gather for a daylong celebration of food, activities, music and the hoisting of the U.S. and Danish flags while the two countries’ national anthems are played. For me, the overwhelming beauty, the comradery between all nations represented, and the pride in my homeland, the United States of America, made July 4th in Denmark a wonderful memory that will last a lifetime. Happy July 4th to all, near and far!
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![]() Remove the stinger as quickly as you can. A bee’s stinger works like an automatic pump; the longer it’s in, the more you’ll hurt. Just pull it out or scrape it out with a fingernail. Clean the wound with warm soapy water to avoid infection and dab dry. Apply ice—wrapped in a clean cloth—for 20 minutes, as often as every two hours, for the day or two the irritation will last. This helps relieve the pain and minimize swelling. If the affected area becomes seriously swollen or itchy, take an over-the-counter antihistamine and elevate the site, if possible. As long as the discomfort is in the vicinity of the sting site (a hand that swells in response to a sting on the finger, for example), the reaction is normal and will subside Go straight to the emergency room if you experience any symptoms that occur away from where the bee left its mark, including hives, wheezing, or swelling in the mouth, face, or throat. This means you are allergic to the potentially life-threatening venom and need a dose of epinephrine. Your doctor will probably prescribe small doses of the drug for you to keep on hand in case you're ever stung again. Circa 1995
Are you a tasty, juicy morsel for a mosquito's dinner? What makes one person more susceptible to bites than another? How can the annoying itch be avoided? Summer time means mosquito time. Instead of becoming a sitting target, ready to be "eaten alive", understand mosquito characteristics and fight back. Some people do seem to be more attractive to mosquitoes than others, but no one really knows why. They seem to prefer males to females and young people to old. Mosquitoes seek out body warmth, moisture and the carbon dioxide in exhaled breath. They are also attracted by odor, including certain compounds found in perspiration. |
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